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This is the blog where we will publish all the activities of our Erasmus+ project entitled Home Sweet Home. This project is funded by the European Commission. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the authors.

11 Feb

Ecueillé students give their opinion about Home Sweet Home project

Publié par SDenizou  - Catégories :  #collegecalmetteetguerin, #musicschoolvolos, #SantoDomingo, #heathfieldschool, #YusufçaSehitIrfanYamanOrtaOkulu

Being halfway through our project, we thought it would be interesting to ask a few questions to our students to measure what they knew and what they didn't, what they thought and if they had any suggestions to improve our Erasmus+, Home Sweet Home project.


Here are some of the results :


89.41% know the nationalities of our partner schools.


64.7% know where the first mobilities have taken place.


61.17% know that the grant for the project was given by Europe.


48.23 % know that the project is to last 3 years ( a lot of students wanted the project to last longer!)


51.76 % have already visited this blog.


32.94 % have already visited the Facebook group page of the project.


Ecueillé students give their opinion about Home Sweet Home project
Ecueillé students give their opinion about Home Sweet Home project
Ecueillé students give their opinion about Home Sweet Home project
Commenter cet article
Thank you, Mrs Fotinaki! You also do an amazing job in your school!! Here the objective is to ask similar questions in a few months and see if the results have improved and also to see how much students have learnt from the project.
This is great news! Thank you for such an interesting idea! The results show what a great job you do in your school!!!!!!

À propos

This is the blog where we will publish all the activities of our Erasmus+ project entitled Home Sweet Home. This project is funded by the European Commission. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the authors.