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This is the blog where we will publish all the activities of our Erasmus+ project entitled Home Sweet Home. This project is funded by the European Commission. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the authors.

18 Mar

To know more about what's happening at Collège Calmette et Guérin...

Publié par SDenizou  - Catégories :  #journée anglaise, #collegecalmetteetguerin, #musicschoolvolos, #YusufçaSehitIrfanYamanOrtaOkulu, #heathfieldschool, #SantoDomingo

On the  French school's website you'll find information about the activities happening in Collège Calmette et Guérin,  like the English Day, on March 17th, when the students came to school dressed in uniforms, had an English breakfast and sold cakes!

To know more about what's happening at Collège Calmette et Guérin...
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This is the blog where we will publish all the activities of our Erasmus+ project entitled Home Sweet Home. This project is funded by the European Commission. Responsibility for the information and views expressed here lies entirely with the authors.